Grief and loss are an inevitable part of life. Grief makes us human and connects us with the human race. Despair is a universal language that needs no explaining. We will face any number of losses throughout our lifetimes: loss of a career, a natural disaster, loss of a marriage, death of a loved one, health crisis, loss of financial standing, care-taking of parents, or retirement. Whether we have unresolved grief issues or current grief, it is important to find our way through the grieving process rather than trying to go around it. I help people do this through talk therapy, meditation, visualization, mindfulness, and breath work – techniques that allow us to open to our pain so it can be healed.
Loss is a very painful emotion to live with day in and day out. Grieving is heavy and requires time, space, rest, and a lot of loving support. We enter a vulnerable space of profound woundedness that takes us to our core. It feels endless and bottomless, but it is not. Our tendency is to run from it and distract ourselves through any number of means available. My belief is that we have to stand still, be quiet, and enter the hallowed space inside our broken heart. The richness of going through the process is a life-changing event as we face our demons, the darkness of aloneness, and our greatest fear of annihilation. Once faced, these fears lose their power over us and we are free to live life and be grateful for every precious moment.
Pain is not our enemy. If we did not have pain, we would not know joy. Pain allows us to experience the present moment. It helps us have empathy and compassion for others who suffer. It allows us to know ourselves better and gives us the opportunity to honor the grieving process and all we learn through it. It helps us know we can endure pain. This knowledge empowers us to choose healthier responses than running. It gives live an entirely new dimension. It frees us from staying in unhealthy relationships too long, from replacing partners too fast, from turning to chemicals, or from busying ourselves through compulsive activities.
Please contact me, Ginger Edwards @ (919) 949-3302 or
I am based in Durham NC.